

  • 刘海平选注 著
  • 出版社: 南京:江苏教育出版社
  • ISBN:9351·003
  • 出版时间:1984
  • 标注页数:252页
  • 文件大小:5MB
  • 文件页数:266页
  • 主题词:


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Foreword 代序1

The Metrics and Kinds of English Poetry 英语诗歌的格律与种类11

Selected Poems25

1. The Coming of Spring 春来了 (Anonymous) (无名氏)25

2. The Silver Swan 银色的天鹅 (Anonymous) (无名氏)27

3. On a Clergyman s Horse Biting Him 马儿咬牧师 (Anonymous) (无名氏)29

4. A Damsel at Vassar 女大学生 (Anonymous) (无名氏)30

5. The Unquiet Grave 墓前念亡妻 (Anonymous) (无名氏)31

6. Scylla Toothless 没了牙齿的茜拉 (Anonymous) (无名氏)34

7. The Streets of Laredo 拉雷多的街 (Anonymous) (无名氏)35

8. Spring 春天 (William Shakespeare) (W·莎士比亚)38

9. Tell Me Where Is Fancy Bred? 爱情来自何处? (William Shake-speare) (W·莎士比亚)41

10. Spring 春天 (Thomas Nash) (T·纳许)42

11. The Triumph of Charis 美丽的查丽丝 (Ben Jonson) (B·琼生)44

12. To Daffodils 咏黄水仙 (Robert Herrick) (R·赫里克)46

13. Cherry-Ripe 熟樱桃 (Robert Herrick) (R·赫里克)48

14. To the Virgins,to Make Much of Time 赠处女 (Robert Herrick) (R·赫里克)50

15. Virtue 美德 (George Herbert) (G·赫伯特)53

16. He That Loves a Rosy Cheek 容貌与心灵 (Thomas Carew) (T·贾鲁)55

17. To Lucasta,On Going to the Wars 出征前赠别罗卡丝达 (Richard Love-lace) (R·洛弗列斯)57

18. Sound and Sense 音与意 (Alexander Pope) (A·浦泊)59

19. An Empty House 空屋 (Alexander Pope) (A·浦泊)61

20. Love s Secret 爱情的秘诀 (William Blake) (W·布莱克)62

21. To See the World in a Grain of Sand 粒砂之中见世界 (William Blake) (W·布莱克)64

22. The Chimney-Sweeper 扫烟囱少年 (William Blake) (W·布莱克)65

23. A Poison Tree 毒树 (William Blake) (W·布莱克)67

24. A Red, Red Rose 红红的玫瑰 (Robert Burns) (R·彭斯)69

25. My Heart s in the Highlands 我的心远在高地 (Robert Burns) (R·彭斯)71

26. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud 我象浮云在独游 (William Words-worth) (W·华兹华斯)72

27. My Heart Leaps up When I Behold 心情激荡 (William Words-worth) (W·华兹华斯)75

28. Lucy 露茜 (William Wordsworth) (W·华兹华斯)77

29. The Desired Swan-Song 理想的天鹅之歌 (Samuel Taylor Coleridge) (S·T·柯勒律治)79

30. A Poet s Hope 诗人的希望 (Allen Davenport) (A·丹芬宝)80

31. On Death 死亡 (Walter Savage Landor) (W·S·兰多)81

32. The Old Familiar Faces 熟悉的面孔 (Charles Lamb) (C·兰姆)82

33. Freedom and Love 自由与爱情 (Thomas Campbell) (T·甘贝尔)85

34. The River of Life 生命之河 (Thomas Campbell) (T·甘贝尔)87

35. To Miss Chaworth 致查伍丝小姐 (George Gordon Byron) (G·G·拜伦)88

36. Song for the Luddites 路德分子之歌 (George Gordon Byron) (G·G·拜伦)90

37. Rise Like Lions 象醒狮般起来 (Rercy Bysshe Shelley) (P·B·雪莱)92

38. On Fanny Godwin 悼范妮·戈德温 (Percy Bysshe Shelley) (P·B·雪莱)93

39. Ozymandias 奥西曼达斯 (Rercy Bysshe Shelley) (P·B·雪莱)94

40. The Grasshopper and the Cricket 蝈蝈与蟋蟀 (John Keats) (J·济慈)97

41. There Was a Naughty Boy 调皮的男孩 (John Keats) (J·济慈)99

42. The Song of the Shirt 衬衫之歌 (Thomas Hood) (T·胡德)101

43. The Golden Sunset 金色的夕阳 (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) (H·W·朗费罗)104

44. The Arrow and the Song 箭与歌 (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) (H·W·朗费罗)106

45. The Village Blacksmith 村中铁匠 (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) (H·W·朗费罗)107

46. The Eagle 鹰 (Alfred Tennyson) (A·坦尼森)109

47. The Beggar Maid 乞丐少女 (Alfred Tennyson) (A·坦尼森)111

48. The Owl′and the Pussy-Cat 猫头鹰和小猫咪 (Edward Lear) (E·李尔)113

49. The Year s at the Spring 春天里 (Robert Browning) (R·勃朗宁)116

50. Up at a Villa--Down in the City 乡间--城里 (Robert Browning) (R·勃朗宁)118

51. The Song of the Wage-Slave 雇佣奴隶之歌 (Ernest Jones) (E·琼斯)121

52. The Beasts 野兽 (Walt Whitman) (W·惠特曼)123

53. The Bravest Soldiers 最勇敢的战士 (Walt Whitman) (W·惠特曼)125

54. To a Certain Cantatrice 献给某女歌手 (Walt Whitman) (W·惠特曼)126

55. O Captain! My Captain! 啊,船长,我的船长! (Walt Whitman) (W·惠特曼)127

56. My Love Is Come to Me 我的爱来到我身边 (Christina Rossetti) (C·罗塞蒂)130

57. The First Day 第一天 (Christina Rossetti) (C·罗塞蒂)132

58. I m Nobody! Who Are You? 我是无名之辈! 你是谁? (Emily Dickinson) (E·狄金生)134

59. “Hope”Is the Thing with Feathers “希望”是羽衣翩跹的小鸟 (Emily Dickinson) (E·狄金生)136

60. A Word Is Dead 话 (Emily Dickinson) (E·狄金生)138

61. Going and Staying 离去与留下 (Thomas Hardy) (T·哈代)139

62. In Time of “The Breaking of Nations” 交战之时 (Thomas Hardy) (T·哈代)141

63. The Triumph of Civilization 文明的成就 (Edward Carpenter) (E·卡本特)143

64. The Blackbirds and the Thrush 八哥与画眉 (Alfrde Perceval Graves) (A·P·格雷夫斯)145

65. Pessimist and Optimist 悲观者与乐天派 (Frederick Langbridge) (F·兰布里奇)148

66. Bed in Summer 夏天睡觉 (Robert Louis Stevenson) (R·L·史蒂文森)149

67. Young Night-Thought 少年的夜思 (Robert Louis Stevenson) (R·L·史蒂文森)151

68. Requiem 哀诗 (Robert Louis Stevenson) (R·L·史蒂文森)153

69. Oh See How Thick the Goldcup Flowers 啊,多么茂密的金盏花! (Alfred Edward Housman) (A·E·豪斯曼)155

70. Loveliest of Trees 最美的树 (Alfred Edward Housman) (A.E.Housman豪斯曼)159

71. When First My Way to Fair I Took 初次赶集 (Alfred Edward Housman) (A·E·豪斯曼)161

72. Slowly 缓步 (Mary Coleridge) (M·柯勒律治)163

73. To a Child Dancing in the Wind 献给迎风起舞的女孩 (William Butler Yeats) (W·B·叶芝)164

74. The Lamentation of the Old Pensioner 领养老金者的哀伤 (William Butler Yeats) (W·B·叶芝)166

75. Richard Cory 理查·考里 (Edwin Arlington Robinson) (E·A·罗宾逊)169

76. A Greeting 致意 (William Henry Davies) (W·H·戴维斯)172

77. Leisure 悠闲 (William Henry Davies) (W·H·戴维斯)175

78. The Villain 歹徒 (William Henry Davies) (W·H·戴维斯)177

79. The Heap of Rags 破布堆 (William Henry Davies) (W·H·戴维斯)179

80. In the Country 乡间 (William Henry Davies) (W·H·戴维斯)182

81. I Walked in a Desert 我行走在沙漠上 (Stephen Crane) (S·克瑞恩)184

82. The Heart 心 (Stephen Crane) (S·克瑞恩)186

83. Stupidity Street 愚人街 (Ralph Hodgson) (R·霍奇生)188

84. Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening 雪夜林前驻马 (Robert Frost) (R·弗洛斯特)190

85. The Rose Family 蔷薇科 (Robert Frost) (R·弗洛斯特)192

86. The Road Not Taken 未走的路 (Robert Frost) (R·弗洛斯特)194

87. The Span of Life 人生 (Robert Frost) (R·弗洛斯特)197

88. Fire and Ice 火与冰 (Robert Frost) (R·弗洛斯特)198

89. On Seeing Weather-Beaten Tree 见弯曲老树有感 (Adelaide Crapsey) (A·克雷普茜)200

90. Fog 雾 (Carl Sandburg) (C·桑伯格)201

91. Window 窗口 (Carl Sandburg) (C·桑伯格)202

92. I Am the People, the Mob 我是人民,平民百姓 (Carl Sandburg) (C·桑伯格)203

93. Love Is Cruel, Love Is Sweet 爱情残酷爱情甜 (Thomas MacDonagh) (T·麦克唐纳)205

94. The Old Woman 老妇 (Joseph Campbell) (J·甘贝尔)207

95. Autumn 秋 (T.E.Hulme) (T·E·赫尔姆)209

96. Like Barley Bending 象大麦那样 (Sara Teasdale) (S·梯丝戴尔)211

97. In a Station of the Metro 地铁车站上 (Ezra Pound) (E·庞德)213

98. The Guitarist Tunes Up 吉它琴师定弦 (Frances Conford) (F·康福德)214

99. Never May the Fruit Be Plucked 但愿永远不摘果 (Edna St.Vincent Millay) (E·V·米莱)216

100. My Candle Burns at Both Its Ends 我的蜡烛两头点 (Edna St.Vincent Millay) (E·V·米莱)218

101. Cross 十字 (Langston Hughes) (L·休斯)219

102. Dream Deferred 未能实现的理想 (Langston Hughes) (L·休斯)221

103. Incident 事件 (Countee Cullen) (C·科伦)223

104. James Watt 詹姆士·瓦特 (Wystan Hugh Auden) (W·H·奥登)225

105. A Dead Man 死人 (Wystan Hugh Auden) (W·H·奥登)227

106. Ballad of Birmingham 伯明翰谣歌 (Dudley Randull) (D·兰特尔)230

107. A Christmas Tree 圣诞树 (William Shelly Burford) (W·S·伯弗特)233

108. Two Gardens 两个花园 (Henry Graham) (H·格雷姆)235

109. Tonight at Noon 今晚中午 (Adrian Henri) (A·亨利)237

110. I Need Champions to Gather 我要支持者 (Arnold Wesker) (A·威斯克)242

Author and Title Index 作者与诗名索引245
